Sense IT Exam Members Club


Sense IT is the only Trustpilot rated test centre in the whole of the South West England.

Your Exam is important to us!!

Shouldn't you be allowed to sit your exam in a quiet, purpose built classroom which is conducive to exam study?

Due to the nature of many exam test sites, you will find that many centres are delivering non professional exams (Driving Theory tests) which see a large number of candidates entering & leaving the premises. We only deliver professional exams.

Well unfortunately there are not many companies in the Exam Service industry who share our beliefs.

We are constantly surprised and sometimes shocked, when candidates who have chosen our test centre to sit their exam for the first time choose to describe their experience at other test centres.

We are told that candidates have had to endure a less than professional environment to sit an exam, where a candidate has sat an exam in a corner of a working office, cordoned off with a couple of dividers, whilst help desk calls are taken.

And not forgetting the incredibly busy test centre, which not only covers IT exams, but also Driving Theory tests and Construction exams' all in all not that conducive for sitting an exam. Sense IT are providers for professional exams only (we do not deliver Driving Theory tests)

The fact is exams are treated as the "poor cousin" in the IT industry for all the usual reasons that you might expect! Which is why we at Sense IT have created the Sense IT Exam Members Club to try and make a difference:


What do you get when you join………

  • Access to our Private Schedule of dates, choose the day and time you need!

  • Special Accommodations - Sit your exam in a separate room away from others if required

  • Evenings & Saturdays available

  • Private room available

  • Access to kitchen area & hot drinks

  • We can book your exams for you

  • Cut out the hassle of using the booking website

  • If you run late, we will hold open your exam (maximum wait period two hours)

  • Allocated parking space available outside the test centre

  • Receive a 40% Discount on practice tests

  • Reduce the Worry! Know the process


A payment of £45 is charged for a six month period.

This does not affect your statutory rights and will not affect your ability to book exams directly through the Pearson Vue & Kryterion exam sites.